I can't believe how quick 10 weeks flew by and here we are today for the final check in to see if the new SILK’N SILHOUETTE The Ultimate Body Contouring System* worked its magic on me. If you missed my first update on this device then you can have a read about it here.
After 10 weeks of using this device twice a week, surprisingly I still have 1/3 tube of gel remaining so my initial thought that I might need to purchase another tube to complete 10 weeks was wrong. While initially it was close to impossible to get into a routine to use this device, it became a habit after the 7th week and I no longer feel 15 minutes to complete the massage was too long. It became my little 'me time' and I actually enjoyed using it.
The one thing I discovered was using it three times a week will cause your muscle to be sore, I found out the hard way. To satisfy my inner child who lives to break the rules (because this is as far as rule breaking goes for me these day..), I used it every alternate day for a week and on the sixth day, my abs were sore as if I did 100 crunches in 5 minutes. So if you do decide to splurge on this device then FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS.
I'm not sure if you can notice it but my belly area is definitely more toned, defined and firmed. It's not sculpted abs like the ones I can only dream of but this device definitely delivered results. Bear in mind that I am also doing yoga even though not as much as I used to (power yoga class once a week and home practice twice a week, 30 minutes each time) so this result is with exercise. If you're planning to use SILK’N SILHOUETTE* while sitting on the sofa binge eating potato crisps and drinking beer then there's a high possibility you won't get the result that you wished for.
I will continue to use this once a week or once every fortnight to maintain the result and I am really impressed by it. I don't think I have been this toned since having Little Tyke and that was my result from spending 1 1/2 hours, 6 days a week in the gym doing cardio and lifting weights.
I do highly recommend SILK’N SILHOUETTE* if you are able to splurge and believe you can discipline yourself into forming a habit of using it. At $279.99CAD per device and $14.99CAD per tube of gel (check here), it's not something that you want to buy unless you can commit to it.
SILK'N SILHOUTTE is exclusively available in Canada on TheShoppingChannel.com and retails for $279.99CAD (check here).
*I received this product for free but my thoughts and opinions are 100% unbiased, honest and my own. There is no place for any sort of BS here.
Over the weekend:
It's been a weekend trying to get well from a darn cold, hubby dearest was the first to feel unwell then me and finally Little Tyke. We were up at 12.00am Sunday morning because Little Tyke chest was congested and finally took him into bed with us at 3.00am and he woke everyone up again at 6.45am. Not the best weekend but we're slowly recovering.
And we're one week away from our trip to Malaysia! The suitcases are out and we're starting to pack our stuff! We're super excited but at the same time a little nervous about Little Tyke and how he'll behave on the longggg flight. Anyone flown on a long distance flight with a toddler before? All advice and tips&tricks are welcome!
How was your weekend?

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