It's Friday, it's a fun day so today's post is a touch different than my usual beauty post. Today I'm bringing you a brand from the land down under, Australia. And no, that's not what's different about today's post, the different touch is we'll be talking about products to combat ingrown hair and this post is targeted for the opposite gender.
"You're as hairless as one can be so why test products to combat ingrown hair?!" I hear you ask.
Yes, I am pretty much hairless and am lucky if I get to pluck a couple of underarm hairs once a month but Mr. Platt is everything of the opposite. Now, he's by no way is a walking, talking gorilla but he shaves every other day and if he's lazy then it's once a week or until I complain. And I saw him suffering from ingrown hair before and dang, it's not pleasant. The red inflamed skin looked really painful and I do feel sorry for him whenever that happens.
Unless he was being a twat that day then he totally deserved it.
Unless he was being a twat that day then he totally deserved it.
Side story: I take after my dad in the lack of body hair department so the first time I saw a neighbour wearing a singlet and stretching out his arms while yawning gave me the fright of my life. I was horrified and mind you, completely terrified at the sight of the overgrown bush staring back at me and I was wondering what on earth was wrong with his armpits.
I was 10.
The mental image stuck with me until now. *shivers*
Anyway, before I get more sidetracked, let's get to today's review; BumpeRaiser. I was kindly sent two Medi Pastes* which are the winner of Glosscars 'Best In Beauty' 2011 and one Cool Splash*.
From the brand:
A no-sting ingrown hair product to cool hot, red, itchy and irritated skin after shaving.
- Soothes shaving rash and prevents ingrown hairs from developing.
- Contains natural fruit acids and chamomile to cool and soothe irritated skin.
- Ideal for use on the face, neck and chest. Suitable for all parts of the body.
- Recommended for use after shaving, laser and electrolysis.
- Vegan Friendly.
- Use as required to cool hot, red, itchy and sensitive skin symptoms that can occur after hair removal.
Mr. Platt has been using this for the past the month and he has not suffered from an ingrown hair ever since. His skin has not been irritated ever since too. Coincidence? Maybe but I highly doubt that it's a mere coincidence.
Cool Splash* has a very strong medicinal scent and feels cooling upon contact to the skin. I was taken aback the first time I got a whiff of the scent. I believe my exact words were...
"What the f*ck are you using?!" Little tyke wasn't in hearing distance...
Needless to say, I got the death stare.
Strong medicinal scent aside, Cool Splash* works wonders and Mr. Platt was very happy with it and if he had a beauty blog (which would worry me immensely), this would be included in his April favourites post.
From the brand:
A highly concentrated spot treatment to eliminate ingrown hairs, razor bumps and pimples.
- Reduces redness and swelling while preventing infection.
- Scientifically formulated with Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Triclosan & Vitamin A to draw out the infection rapidly without causing trauma to the skin.
- For rapid results apply a band-aid over the problem area as this will speed up healing.
- Suitable for all areas of the body.
- Use twice a day, or as often as needed.
Medi Paste* is exactly what it is, a thick paste and has a pleasant medicinal scent but its nowhere as strong as the other. Mr. Platt didn't get the opportunity to test this, as I said earlier he hasn't suffered any ingrown hair ever since using Cool Splash* but since I was sent two Medi Paste*, I passed one to my good friend's husband to try and he said it's great and actually works. The good news is, Medi Paste* can also be used as spot treatment so yay to a multipurpose product!
If this review is slightly shorter than my usual reviews well, have you tried asking your husband what he thinks about a product? The answers that I usually receive are 'it's good' or 'it's okay', 'I don't know' or the most common one, 'where is dinner?'.
Bottom line, if you shave and suffer from sensitive skin and ingrown hair then it's worth checking out BumpeRaiser. It received the seal of approval from two husbands.
If this review is slightly shorter than my usual reviews well, have you tried asking your husband what he thinks about a product? The answers that I usually receive are 'it's good' or 'it's okay', 'I don't know' or the most common one, 'where is dinner?'.
Bottom line, if you shave and suffer from sensitive skin and ingrown hair then it's worth checking out BumpeRaiser. It received the seal of approval from two husbands.
To find out more about BumpeRaiser click here.
*I received this product for free but my thoughts and opinions are 100% unbiased, honest and my own. There is no place for any sort of BS here.
*I received this product for free but my thoughts and opinions are 100% unbiased, honest and my own. There is no place for any sort of BS here.

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